Travel Together, Stay Together

15 Happy Secret Reasons, Why partners when traveling together stay together?. How traveling reduces stress and improves mental health?
Halal Love · · 9977 Views

All couples need to reconnect with each other frequently.  It is just so easy to get swept away by the hustle and bustle, children’s schooling and activities, demanding jobs, a busy social calendar, failed old relationships, and all the things that form part of the fabric of everyday life.

According to a survey of 1,000+ couples about understand how important traveling affected their relationship positively, almost two-thirds (63%) of the respondents claimed that traveling has helped them stay together and mostly forever. The truth is not so far-fetched when you travel together to have a happy vacation, there are sudden and exciting elements that fire your relationship. All you need to say “I will travel Now!” or even Schedule it for the next coming weekend

So, Why Partners Who Travel Together Stay Together?!

1. Common Anticipation and Excitement

They share a common goal and purpose to see the world together. The anticipation and languishment of unraveling destinations, looking at different locations, and planning the logistics around it can be very exhilarating, committing themselves to an endless adventure somehow bonds such as couples and offers them a reason to always want to be together.

2. Understanding and adjusting to their limitations



Traveling is revealing, not only to the outer world but also to each other. They discover their strengths and weaknesses and find out how to complement each of these roles as they keep on uncovering paths and destinations.

During the romantic break, couples get to spend quality time together.  This means that they can communicate in a relaxed and fun environment where they are removed from the normal worldly of life.  A new environment gives them a different perspective on their lives, mentality, and often communication improves during and after the vacation.

3. They Have Better Communication

According to a survey it was found out that couples who travel together agree better and have fewer disagreements than couples who don’t travel together. Traveling makes them more understanding and patient with each other. It’s a way to not hear No during normal life situations, it's a normal result from our psychology

It’s a time for Yes...

4. They have a better sexual relationship

According to a survey, couples who travel together have a better sexual relationship than couples who don’t travel together. Traveling together cuts the work and stress into half, enough to spark romance and affection. According to the survey, more than three-quarters of those who traveled admitted that they have a good sex life.

Spending time with your partner in an intimate setting is Renews intimacy just the thing you need to spice up life in the bedroom.  Taking this time to be in a wonderful setting and to be romantic together will bring you closer together and re-ignite feelings of intimacy that sometimes fall by the wayside during daily routine life.  A romantic, intimate getaway is what every relationship needs – it is a gift that will keep on giving, even when you are back home again.

5. Experiencing something new together

The indelible treasure engraved in your hearts and minds when experiencing something together, lovely sightseeing can be everlasting. What is a new sort of creates a memory that will be forever unique to their relationships...

6. It reveals who they are to each other

In this study

  • 87% say that relaxing and taking a break from the day-today is an important reason for a vacation
  • 64% of married respondents say that being romantic is an important reason to vacation together

Since you are together most of the time, there is room for keeping ugly secrets. There are no facades or masks and you have to appreciate your partner the way he or she is. Whether he snores, has his underarm hair un-shaved, or has her legs un-shaved, traveling reveals a bunch of ugly truths. And with this, there is little or nothing to hide. And turn more acceptance to our nature of humanity.

7. Their sense of humor could grow together



You can’t travel for a vacation together without turning up some humor here and there. There are times when things just go horribly wrong and you have to laugh over it. It could be the horrible food you just bought on the street corner, having your hotel room mixed up or losing a map, you may run away and your partner tries to catch you…and it is enough to have something to laugh at and sustain your happiness along the way. 

Do you have a sense of humor?!!, Discover in your coming vacation
8. Live the romance

It goes beyond what you watch on cinema screens or read in any book, as a traveling couple you live the romance out of spontaneity and a state of mind that you could be led anywhere and something could catch another moment of beauty. It’s never about the money but the experience that traveling together could bring. This is why 86% of respondents in a survey of traveling couples said that their relationship still had romance alive in it, compared to 73% of respondents who never traveled together.

9. They live the moment

While other couples who don’t travel together worry about tomorrow and the future, and build their relationship with doubts, couples who traveled together were not worried about what was going to happen next because they were consumed and seized by the intensity of the wonderful moments experienced together. Traveling together didn’t allow them to over-analyze their situation and be critical on several subjects but made them appreciate the present moment, and arrange the bubbles when they come back to normal life. 

Changing the way you think, would change the way you solve life obstacles...

10. They would become best friends

Since they have only each other to turn to and fewer disruptions by external bodies or persons they were able to give themselves everything to become better partners. They would stick with each other through challenges and differences to provide for their needs, especially they know what each other like and hate.

Yes, It’s the time to activate Real Likes, not Virtual Likes, it’s a time to share the real happy moment internally, not sharing a virtual moment in Facebook or others for others...

11. They are educated together

Traveling offers an opportunity for happy learning. And how do you feel with people with who you learn a subject? Daily?, in Each Place?

The learning experience bonds them together and offers them the opportunity to revel in knowledge as they open their minds and hearts to the new world they deal with, open new culture, relationships, and community integration.

Maybe they like a new tradition and try it, if they are happy, they will go through more and get closer to each other. 

The way they learn, the way they love together more...


12. They are more forgiving

Traveling together offers a space for mistakes to be made and flaws to be implied. However, there are challenges all along the way, and couples who travel together understand the need for forgiving each other quickly and moving on with their life with more stability.

They will like to forgive, it’s a sound of love

13. They experience freedom together

Couples who have traveled together in the past flavor the freedom and independence traveling provides. With such understanding, they can find comfort in respecting each other’s privacy and sense of presence. This provides another healthy angle to the progress of their relationship.

Traveling together excites and offers you amazing reasons to always be together.

14. Reduce stress and improve mental health 

It is good for your mind and body to take some time out to rest.  It has been proven by studies in the USA that people who take regular breaks or vacations that allow them to relax have a lower risk of strokes and heart attacks, than those who don’t take time out to enjoy themselves.  Taking care of your own and your partner’s mental and physical health by getting away from it all for a while is beneficial to both of you! 

Studies have also proven that women who take frequent breaks are much less likely to suffer from depression, and that regular romantic getaway leads to a better quality of life and improved work performance!

