Reverts and Romance: How to Find Love in Islam?

How to Find Love in Islam!

Are you a revert to Islam who is looking for a life partner who shares your faith and values? Or are you a born-Muslim who is interested in a revert who has embraced Islam as their new path? If so, this article is for you.

This article is a guide for reverts and romance, and how to find love in the light of Iman.  

Topics Covered:

 The journey of reverts and romance, and how it differs from the conventional dating culture.

 The principles and guidelines of Islamic courtship, and how to follow them with respect and dignity.

 The role of the Wali, and how to find and choose a suitable and trustworthy guardian for the marriage process. 

•  The Muslim community, and how to engage and connect with it for support and guidance.

•  Halal dating, and how to conduct it in a lawful and permissible way, avoiding any physical or emotional intimacy before marriage.

•  Online platforms, and how to use them as a tool for dawah, inviting reverts to explore the world of Islamic romance safely and respectfully.

•  Cultural differences, and how to navigate and appreciate them, seeking common ground in the universal language of Islam.

•  Learning and growing together, and how to embrace and celebrate the diversity and beauty of Allah's creation.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the journey of reverts and romance, and how to find love in the light of Iman. You will also learn about Queen Muslima, an online platform that supports Muslims and non-Muslim singles to find their Halal love.

The Journey of Reverts and Romance

For many reverts, embracing Islam is not just a change of faith; it is a transformation of lifestyle, a recalibration of the soul. It is a journey that begins with the shahada, the declaration of faith, which opens the door to new realms of love and companionship. 

The shahada is the testimony that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger. It is the first and most important of the five pillars of Islam, which are the basic acts of worship that every Muslim must perform. The other four pillars are salah (prayer), zakat (charity), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage).

By uttering the shahada, a revert enters the fold of Islam and becomes a Muslim. This means that they accept the Quran as the word of Allah, and the Sunnah as the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They also agree to follow the rules and regulations of Islam, which are derived from these two sources.

One of the rules of Islam that affects the romantic life of a revert is the prohibition of dating and premarital intimacy. Islam teaches that dating, as it is commonly practiced in the West, is a form of zina, which is unlawful sexual intercourse. Zina includes not only physical contact but also emotional attachment and flirtation. Islam forbids zina because it harms the dignity and honor of the individuals involved, and it disrupts the social and moral order of society.

Instead of dating, Islam encourages Muslims to pursue marriage in a halal way, which means lawful and permissible. Halal marriage is a sacred union that is based on mutual love, respect, and commitment. It is also a means of fulfilling one's natural desires in a lawful and pleasing manner. Halal marriage is a source of tranquility, mercy, and affection for the spouses and a foundation for a righteous and stable family.

Understanding Islamic Courtship 

The Islamic approach to romance is one of respect, dignity, and intentionality. It is a path marked by patience and contemplation, where the emotional rush of new love is balanced with the wisdom of restraint and the clarity of purpose. 

Islamic courtship is the process of getting to know a potential spouse for the sake of marriage. It is not a casual or recreational activity, but a serious and sincere endeavor. It is also not a secret or private affair, but a public and transparent one. It involves the consent and involvement of the families and the community and the guidance and protection of Allah.

The main goal of Islamic courtship is to determine the compatibility and suitability of the potential partners and to establish a strong and lasting relationship that is pleasing to Allah. It is not a means of fulfilling one's lust or curiosity, or of playing with one's emotions or feelings. It is a means of seeking a partner who will help one to grow in faith and goodness and to attain the ultimate goal of Jannah, which is paradise in the hereafter.

Islamic courtship has some basic principles and guidelines that every Muslim should follow. These include:

•  Having a clear and noble intention:

The intention behind Islamic courtship should be to seek the pleasure of Allah and to fulfill the Sunnah of marriage. It should not be driven by selfish or worldly motives, such as lust, fame, wealth, or status.

•  Seeking the permission and approval of the Wali: 

The Wali is a guardian who assists and advises in the marital process. The Wali has the right and duty to protect the interests and honor of the woman and to ensure that the marriage is suitable and beneficial for her. The Wali also has the authority to accept or reject the proposal on behalf of the woman, and to represent her in the marriage contract.

•  Avoiding physical and emotional intimacy: 

Islam forbids any form of physical or emotional intimacy between a man and a woman who are not married or related by blood or marriage. This includes touching, kissing, hugging, holding hands, gazing, whispering, joking, or flirting. These acts are considered as zina of the eyes, the hands, the tongue, and the heart. They are harmful to individuals and society, as they ignite the fire of desire, weaken the faith, damage the reputation, and ruin the chances of a blessed marriage.

•  Maintaining modesty and decency: 

Islam teaches Muslims to be modest and decent in their appearance, behavior, and speech. This applies to both men and women, especially when they are interacting with each other. Muslims should dress modestly, covering their awrah, which is the parts of the body that should not be exposed to others. Muslims should also behave modestly, avoiding any actions that may arouse or provoke sexual attraction or temptation. Muslims should also speak modestly, avoiding any words that may be vulgar, obscene, or suggestive.

•  Keeping the communication halal and beneficial: 

Islam allows Muslims to communicate with each other for the purpose of Islamic courtship, as long as the communication is halal and beneficial. Halal communication means that it is done in a lawful and permissible way, following the rules and etiquette of Islam. Beneficial communication means that it is done in a useful and productive way, focusing on the matters that are relevant and important for the marriage. Muslims should avoid any communication that is haram or harmful, such as lying, cheating, gossiping, backbiting, or wasting time.

•  Seeking the help and guidance of Allah: 

Islam teaches Muslims to rely on Allah and to seek His help and guidance in all their affairs, especially in the matter of marriage. Muslims should pray to Allah and ask Him to grant them a righteous and compatible spouse and to make their marriage easy and successful. Muslims should also perform istikharah, which is a special prayer for seeking the best decision from Allah. Muslims should also make du'a, which is a supplication or invocation to Allah, and ask Him to bless their marriage and protect them from the evil eye and the envy of others.

The Role of the Wali: Guardianship with Grace

In Islamic tradition, the Wali—a guardian who assists and advises in the marital process—becomes a pivotal figure in the journey towards matrimony. The Wali plays an important role in protecting the rights and interests of the woman, and ensuring that the marriage is valid and beneficial for her.

The Wali is usually the father or the closest male relative of the woman, such as the brother, uncle, or grandfather. However, if the woman does not have a suitable Wali from her family, she can appoint another trustworthy and knowledgeable Muslim man as her Wali, such as an imam, a scholar, or a friend. The Wali should be someone who is not only well-versed in Islamic law but also compassionate and understanding of the woman's needs and preferences.

The Wali has some duties and responsibilities that he should fulfill with grace and wisdom. These include:

•  Screening and approving the potential suitors: 

The Wali should act as a filter and a gatekeeper for the woman, screening and approving the potential suitors who approach her for marriage. The Wali should evaluate the suitors based on their religious commitment, moral character, financial stability, compatibility, and suitability for the woman. The Wali should also consult with the woman and respect her opinion and choice, as long as they are in line with Islamic principles. The Wali should not force or coerce the woman to marry someone she does not like or want, nor should he prevent or delay her from marrying someone she likes and wants, as long as he is suitable and acceptable.

•  Negotiating and finalizing the marriage contract:

The Wali should act as a representative and a negotiator for the woman, negotiating and finalizing the terms and conditions of the marriage contract with the suitor. 

The marriage contract is a legal and binding agreement that stipulates the rights and obligations of the spouses, such as the mahr (dowry), the nafaqa (maintenance), the mutual gift, the duration and type of the marriage, the conditions of divorce, etc. The Wali should ensure that the contract is fair and reasonable for the woman and that it meets the requirements and standards of Islamic law. The Wali should also witness and sign the contract on behalf of the woman, and announce and celebrate the marriage with the community.

•  Supporting and advising the married couple: 

The Wali should act as a supporter and an adviser for the woman, supporting and advising her in her married life. The Wali should maintain a good relationship with the woman and her husband, and offer them guidance and assistance when needed. The Wali should also help them to resolve any issues or conflicts that may arise in their marriage, and to protect them from any harm or injustice. The Wali should also pray for their happiness and success, and for their growth and development in their faith.

Community Connections: The Fabric of Support

The Muslim community can be an invaluable network of support for reverts seeking companionship. The Muslim community is a diverse and dynamic group of people who share a common bond of faith and brotherhood. The Muslim community can offer reverts not only potential partners but also mentors and friends who can guide them in their new chapter of life.

The Muslim community can be found in various places and platforms, such as:

•  Local mosques and Islamic centers: 

These are the places where Muslims gather for worship, education, and socialization. They are the hubs of the Muslim community, where reverts can find not only potential partners but also mentors and friends who can teach them about Islam, introduce them to other Muslims, and invite them to various events and activities. Local mosques and Islamic centers can also provide reverts with various services and resources, such as marriage counseling, Islamic classes, halal food, etc. 

•  Online platforms and social media:

These are the places where Muslims connect and communicate with each other through the internet. They are the extensions of the Muslim community, where reverts can find not only potential partners but also mentors and friends who can share their experiences, stories, and advice with them, and support them in their journey. Online platforms and social media can also provide reverts with various information and opportunities, such as Islamic articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, etc.

Islamic organizations and associations: These are the places where Muslims collaborate and cooperate with each other for various causes and purposes. They are the branches of the Muslim community, where reverts can find not only potential partners but also mentors and friends who can involve them in various projects and initiatives, and inspire them to contribute to society. Islamic organizations and associations can also provide reverts with various skills and benefits, such as leadership, teamwork, networking, etc. 

By engaging with the Muslim community, reverts can enrich their lives and enhance their chances of finding a suitable and compatible partners. The Quran says: "And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty." [5:2]


Halal Dating: The Sacred Dance of Romance

Dating in Islam, or what many prefer to call 'halal courting', is a dance of dignity. It is a measured, respectful journey toward finding a life partner who will be a source of tranquility, affection, and mercy.

Halal dating is the process of getting to know a potential spouse in a lawful and permissible way, following the principles and guidelines of Islamic courtship. It is not a casual or recreational activity, but a serious and sincere endeavor. It is also not a secret or private affair, but a public and transparent one. It involves the consent and involvement of the families and the community and the guidance and protection of Allah.

Halal dating has some benefits and advantages that make it a preferable and preferable option for Muslims, especially reverts. These include:

•  Preserving the purity and sanctity of the relationship:

Halal dating helps to protect the relationship from the evils and harms of zina, which is unlawful sexual intercourse. Zina includes not only physical contact but also emotional attachment and flirtation. Zina is a major sin in Islam, and it has many negative consequences for individuals and society, such as loss of faith, loss of honor, loss of health, loss of wealth, loss of happiness, etc. Halal dating helps to preserve the purity and sanctity of the relationship, by avoiding any form of intimacy before marriage, and by keeping the communication halal and beneficial.

•  Enhancing the quality and compatibility of the relationship: 

Halal dating helps to enhance the quality and compatibility of the relationship, by focusing on the matters that are relevant and important for the marriage. Halal dating helps to evaluate the potential partner based on their religious commitment, moral character, financial stability, compatibility, and suitability. Halal dating also helps to establish a strong and lasting relationship that is based on mutual love, respect, and commitment. Halal dating helps to avoid any distractions or illusions that may cloud the judgment or mislead the heart, such as physical attraction, emotional infatuation, or worldly motives.

•  Seeking the blessing and approval of Allah:

Halal dating helps to seek the blessing and approval of Allah, by following His commands and pleasing Him. Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of all relationships, and He knows what is best for His servants. Allah says: "And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." [30:21] Therefore, by following the halal way of dating, Muslims can hope to attain the blessing and approval of Allah and to receive His mercy and favor in their marriage.

Online Platforms: The Digital Dawah

In the age of technology, online platforms can be a tool for dawah, inviting reverts to explore the world of Islamic romance safely and respectfully. Dawah is the act of inviting or calling people to Islam, by conveying its message and teachings, and by showing its beauty and wisdom.

Online platforms are websites or applications that allow people to connect and communicate with each other through the internet. Online platforms can be used for various purposes, such as education, entertainment, business, socialization, etc. Online platforms can also be used for romance, as they can help people to find and meet potential partners.

However, not all online platforms are suitable or beneficial for Muslims, especially reverts, who are seeking romance in a halal way. Some online platforms may have features or content that are contrary or harmful to Islamic values and principles, such as nudity, obscenity, vulgarity, or immorality. Some online platforms may also have users or members who are dishonest, deceptive, or predatory, and who may exploit, abuse, or harm others.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right online platform that respects Islamic principles, and that offers a safe and secure space where reverts can meet like-minded individuals who share their faith and values. One of the best online platforms for this purpose is Queen Muslima, a website that is designed to support Muslims and non-Muslim singles to find their Halal love.

Queen Muslima is an online platform that provides a variety of features and services that make it a unique and ideal choice for reverts and romance. These include:

    • A user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy and convenient to use and navigate.- A strict and rigorous verification process that ensures the authenticity and credibility of the users and members, and that prevents any fraud or scam.


    • A comprehensive and customizable profile system that allows the users and members to showcase their personality, preferences, and expectations, and to find compatible and suitable matches.
    • A smart and advanced matching algorithm that uses various criteria and factors, such as location, age, education, profession, hobbies, interests, etc., to suggest and recommend potential partners.
    • A respectful and dignified communication system that allows the users and members to interact and converse with each other in a halal and beneficial way, and to exchange photos, videos, voice messages, etc., with the permission and approval of the Wali.
    • A supportive and helpful customer service team that is available 24/7 to assist and guide the users and members in any issue or problem, and to ensure their satisfaction and safety.
    • A dedicated and knowledgeable Islamic team that provides Islamic advice and counseling to the users and members, and that helps them to learn and grow in their faith and relationship. 
    • A diverse and dynamic community of users and members who come from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, and who share a common bond of faith and brotherhood.


Queen Muslima is more than just an online platform; it is a digital dawah that invites reverts to explore the world of Islamic romance safely and respectfully. It is a platform that honors their journey, cherishes their faith, and paves the way for unions that are not just socially harmonious but spiritually uplifting. Welcome to a world where romance is not merely an affair of the heart but a celebration of the soul's union under the boundless sky of Islam.

Embracing Differences, Celebrating Similarities

As reverts embark on this journey, it is important to remember that while backgrounds may differ, the Islamic principles of love and marriage are universal. Islam teaches that marriage is a sacred bond that unites two souls in a relationship of mutual love, respect, and mercy. Islam also teaches that marriage is a means of attaining the pleasure of Allah and the success of the hereafter.

Therefore, reverts and born-Muslims should embrace their differences as a source of enrichment and learning, and celebrate their similarities as a source of harmony and unity. 

They should also learn and grow together in their faith and relationship, and help each other to achieve their common goals and aspirations.

Some of the ways that revert and born Muslims can embrace their differences and celebrate their similarities are:

•  Sharing their stories and experiences: 

Reverts and born-Muslims can share their stories and experiences with each other, and learn about their journeys and perspectives. They can also appreciate the challenges and opportunities that each one has faced and overcome, and the blessings and gifts that each one has received and enjoyed.

•  Exploring their cultures and traditions: 

Reverts and born Muslims can explore their cultures and traditions with each other, and learn about their values and practices. They can also respect and appreciate the diversity and beauty of their cultures, and the wisdom and benefits of their traditions. 

•  Seeking knowledge and guidance: 

Reverts and born Muslims can seek knowledge and guidance together, and learn about the teachings and rulings of Islam. They can also consult and follow the sources and authorities of Islam, such as the Quran, the Sunnah, the scholars, etc.

Praying and worshiping: Reverts and born-Muslims can pray and worship together, and strengthen their connection and relationship with Allah. They can also perform the various acts of worship and devotion that Islam prescribes, such as salah, zakat, sawm, hajj, etc.

Conclusion: Love in the Light of Iman

For reverts, the quest for romance is more than a search for love; it is a pilgrimage toward a partnership that resonates with their newfound faith. It is about finding someone who does not just share an affinity for the mundane but is a companion on the spiritual odyssey that is life.

In the realm of Queen Muslima, every story is sacred, every match divine. Here, reverts and born-Muslims alike can find a space that honors their journey, cherishes their faith, and paves the way for unions that are not just socially harmonious but spiritually uplifting. Welcome to a world where romance is not merely an affair of the heart but a celebration of the soul's union under the boundless sky of Islam.


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