How to Recognize Online Dating Scams?!

How to Recognize Online Dating Scams?!. Practical Steps to reveal phishing, scammers and Bots
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 Scammers Mentality 

Scams are based on the advantage of people’s pre-existing weaknesses — their fears, their prejudices, and their deepest insecurities. It shouldn’t be a surprise that love is an area where scamming plays, and with the rise of online dating sites, people are more inclined to fall for a digital avatar before they meet the person behind it.

Scammers have hit the gold mentality. Easily can hunt you with attractive pictures to say yes for everything later...

According to the FTC, Americans lost $143 million+ to online dating scams and phishing in 2018, making digital dating scams the leading source of fraud in contemporary American life from a raw dollar-amount perspective.

So what can you, a prospective online dater, do in this situation that doesn’t involve tossing your digital devices in the trash? As it turns out, there are a few rules of thumb to abide by that will significantly cut down on the likeliness that you’ll be squeezed out at all, let alone lose any money.

Here’s what you need to know about online dating scams and how Queen Muslima (QM) Services support secured and comfortable process to make you build your family:

1. How Online Scammers Play

At the heart of an online dating scam is the fancy that today, people are ready and willing to form emotional connections with people they haven’t met, often with only photos and direct messages, emails, and texts to go off of.

Their Outmost Target? Financial perspective. 

“An online scammer will ‘fall in love quickly and start asking for money to be wired for airline tickets to meet in person (which never actually happens), a family emergency, and more,” he adds. “However, once the money is wired, they just continue to ask for more — or disappear altogether.”

Some Scenarios

you will hear different scenarios and all of them are common in one thing. Money...and Money with different means

“[These scammers] operate by preying on men who are seeking love and not readily finding it. which allows you to rate different websites. “A common tactic is they are the first to message a man or 'like' them. Their profiles are often filled with photos of sexy women and their hobbies are what everyone dreams of in a woman (watching football, playing video games, etc).”

Of course, sometimes the scam is direct and quick since they have many victims to talk with and they try to hunt them in parallel — pretending to be attracted to you to get small sums of money.

“One of the most common tactics used nowadays is getting the man to be interested in a girl who always lives far away so there is no real chance of meeting. “Then the girl will say they want to video chat instead, but of course they are a webcam girl, and it will cost money to be able to chat with them (nude, of course).”

Would this woman be a respectable wife? or even the mother of your kids?

even you talked a live video chat, it is possible to record girls with common gestures and repeat the video with software in messenger or others, to make you feel it is a real person, and they record your real video

Imagine what's next?!...

Nowadays, There’s also the possibility of it being a bot instead of a real person on the other end, too.

2. How Easily you can reveal them?

Like a Man, You have to ask your common sense first, Do you need a wife (Halal Marriage) or an illegal relationship? and hear the voice of your common sense to extract the character category you talk with... 

They Ask You for Money

Mostly, scammers are people who are trying to take your money. Anything they say or do while interacting with you will simply be a step towards the end goal of stealing your money — that’s what defines online dating scams.

“It’s a big red flag if your online interest asks you for money, especially if it’s early on and you’ve never met face-to-face,” says Lavelle.

It’s possible, of course, that a request for money is genuine … but if you’ve never met in person, odds are good that it’s a scam, no matter how real your connection feels.

You can review more Safety Tips

They Won’t Meet in Face-To-Face

Along with asking for money, refusing to meet in person is an extremely big deal. That’s not to say that anyone who doesn’t want to meet up is a scammer, or that every scammer will refuse to meet up — but the two often go hand-in-hand.

There’s a reason that scammers don’t want to meet face-to-face even between their families as a formal meeting for real marriage.

If they’re running a game, they will come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid meeting: work, family illness, too far to travel, and so on...

Rather than flat-out refuse, however, they will keep you hopping.

“They may set up a time to meet only to always bail at the last minute due to a 'canceled flight' or 'sudden change of plans,’” he adds.

They Avoid Phone Calls, Video Chats, and New Photos

Similarly, they’ll likely want to shy away from any form of communication that’ll reveal their real face or voice, since they’re typically not who they say they are. That means phone calls are often off the table, and video chatting is almost certainly not going to happen.

“While being a little nervous for someone you’ve been talking to online for months is normal, it’s not normal to avoid video chatting at all costs,” says Carlee Linden.

“Scammers will often set up a time to call and fail to answer when the time comes. Their excuses will range from the reasonable to the unbelievable (like they were robbed and mugged and that’s why they missed the call). Be extremely cautious if this has happened multiple times.” 

Is That Series Person?!... 

At the same time take into consideration trust for girls is so hard to send their photos, so directly talk voice and video and ask to talk to one of the family members, if you feel that the person is good to build a new family. 

They Come on Very Strong

One of the most powerful aspects of an online dating scam is making the victim feel loved. Once the scammer has you in a state of blissful romance, you’re easier to dupe and more likely to go out of your way to provide any requested funds.

As a result, they’ll often come on strong right away, looking for people who are love-starved that will respond to this kind of treatment. 

“[Be on your guard if] they call you 'baby' or 'sweetie' upfront. Using pet names right away could indicate that a scammer is trying to hastily forge an emotional connection,” notes Lavelle.

“They [will] text or call a lot, and move way too fast. Maybe they’re eager, or they’re moving quickly because they’re a scammer and need to speed up their long con to get to their next target.”

Easy come, Easy Go

Sometimes, Pressure You to Switch to Email

While it’s normal to want to move from a dating site or app to more personal communication like texting or emailing, scammers will often pressure you to switch to email early on — which is part of their ploy.

“Scammers don’t like staying on dating sites because it means your attention isn’t wholly on them,” says Linden. “If you’re on a dating site, that means you’re talking to other people and are less likely to give your whole heart over to them. Another reason they’ll want to leave the site is that they’re messaging hundreds of other users, and someone might report them and get them kicked off the site.”

They Seem Too Good to Be True

To ensure that they snag the most victims possible, scammers will try to put together broadly appealing profiles, using beautiful photos and potentially unrealistic details about themselves.

“If someone is model-like in appearance and their photos are too perfect, it could be because a catfisher stole those photos,” says Lavelle.

“Similarly, if your match claims to be in a high-paying profession like medicine or law (each of which entails local admissions or certifications), you’ll want to investigate that before thinking you’ve bagged a rich partner.”

They might even let it be known that they have too-good-to-be-true connections, which as Lavelle notes, could be a way to lure you in.

 You can Check how to discover it is an original photo or copied from other models from our practical Safety Tips Publication

3. How to Protect Yourself

So how can you protect yourself from being scammed? Here are some pro tips to secure yourself.

Ask to Meet Early On

You want to marry, meet immediately. online dating is just a contact to know the person in real talk and meeting with family as the first step for proposal. the series person will be direct

Do Some Background Research

Research online as much as you can about the person as early as possible before you meet.  “Be your private investigator by doing online searches to confirm your match’s key information. Search their name on Google and see what comes up. If you’re especially concerned. 

You can use basic free technology at your disposal: reverse image search. “Use their photo to do an image search on Google. Basically, instead of searching with text, you upload an image and Google will find websites that contain the same or similar images.

Use our chatting Conversation in QM

When chatting online, make sure the flow of conversation makes sense to ascertain if you’re talking to a live person or a robot profile. “Mix up the conversation; see if the person continues to track with you. 

QM Chat System Disabled all means to connect with bots to secure our humans. so you can use our system to be safer and later you can switch to any talking, chatting apps

4. How to Act If You Suspect Someone Is a Scammer 

Many people, when confronted with evidence that someone isn’t who they say they are in the dating context, will push back and insist it’s a misunderstanding.

“Follow your gut. If it smells fishy, it probably is fishy,” says Janet Brito, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Honolulu. “Before you continue to send more gifts or wire money, do some research online or talk to a trusted friend. Email the dating site and inquire about any other violations, or contact the Federal Trade Commission.” 

If the person does make off with some of your money, it’s a good idea to do something about it.

Fill a Report 

Also Fill a report with your local police, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, your bank or credit card company,” she adds. While you may not be able to get the money you lost back, alerting the authorities can help them build a case against the scammer, potentially helping to track them down and stop them from ripping off other innocent people.

“It can be embarrassing for people to admit that they were fooled, especially if they’ve done things that can’t be taken back,” says Linden. “However, it’s important that you report the scammer to the dating site to stop the person from doing this to someone else.

Fill a QM report for a scammer to save others, and attach some snapshots even in other channels to support each other the QM Portal is a more selective community

5. Dealing With the Aftermath of Being Scammed

The important thing to remember? It’s not your fault. Scammers are people who spend a lot of time perfecting their technique, and falling victim to one, whether briefly or at length, is likely more about their talents than your shortcomings.

Sometimes, scam victims feel incapable of admitting what’s happened to others in their lives, but according to Linden, opening up about the experience is necessary.

Finally, you are human and for sure if you are series, you search for a real partner, so follow your common sense more than your desire.

We have been created by Wisdom and to build a real family, it will not go by fancy ideas of a perfect person, the only way is to think and take appropriate action by Wisdom.


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